Treasured soul
Unused to the feelings, it has been such a long time,
since I have crossed souls, with one such as mine.
You are the high light of my thoughts, and as such, of my dreams,
I love to listen to your voice, as you paint pictures unseen.
Careful and guarded as you quest through this life,
In relation, I am respectful, Ours has been one of strife.
I am not playing hero, though I can be your knight,
to be there when needed, like strong wind for a kite.
You inspire my imagination and stir my emotion,
I find you divine and you have my devotion.
Forgive me if this all seems to sweet,
but you are like the someone I always wanted to meet.
I love having coffee and talking about your day,
or perhaps just watching a movie, as we both think of things to say.
I am sorry if I seemed upset when you did not come over last night,
the truth is, I was worried and concerned if you were alright.
I hope to talk to you soon, writings taking its toll,
just wanted you to know that you are my treasured soul.
Any thing that can happen, will happen, has already happened, and is happening right now.