How do I find someone with similar interests?

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26 Sep 2006, 7:23 pm

I need advice on how to find a woman with similar interests, or similar goals. Are there dating services that cater to specific interests. If not, what are other ways to find such people? Certainly I can't just expect such a person to fall from the sky.


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26 Sep 2006, 8:08 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
Certainly I can't just expect such a person to fall from the sky.

Well, you could always go outside and wait. Never know what might happen.

If at first you don't succeed, maybe failure is your style.


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26 Sep 2006, 8:19 pm

Go to college. Join a club. Have some fun.

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26 Sep 2006, 10:18 pm

going to college isn't the social fix people think it is. Even if the college is specific to your interests.


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26 Sep 2006, 10:39 pm

They make extensive claims at how much they try to match people based on scientifically based compatibility.


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27 Sep 2006, 2:10 am

What are your interests? The easiest way for me to meet someone is over the internet, so messageboards and the like are useful. Let your location be known, so maybe you can find people that live around you. I also like to look in the newspaper... not at the personals but at the calendar. I find something that catches my interest, and I attend either hoping to meet someone (which works... sometimes...) or I invite someone who I believe shares the interest. When I first meet someone I don't know what I'm supposed to do, exactly... so I figure, I should take control and invite them to do something, instead of waiting for them to invite me to do something... which they actually might be doing but I'm not understanding the invitation (for obvious reasons, yeah?). But I'm afraid of boring them, so I try to find something good to do.

I find becoming a member of a casual organization (like a club or whatever) kinda difficult to handle. They're quite clique-ish, except with a specific interest. What I like doing instead is to join something more organized, where I can have a clear position and responsibilities. It'll be more broad (like volunteering at a museum, library, doing health care, social work, ect.) but perhaps there are organizations like that in the areas you are interested in?


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27 Sep 2006, 9:40 am

Vinzer wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
Certainly I can't just expect such a person to fall from the sky.

Well, you could always go outside and wait. Never know what might happen.

Sky divers??

some dating sites work, just be careful what information you are giving out in case the relationship doesn't work out.

Maybe talk to women in your classes(when you go to college) about your interests. If they are in simmilar classes they may have the same lie goal.. its not a quick solution and may take a really long time to find the right woman, but as you said she is not gonna fall from the sky. if she did i'd imagine she might not live thrugh it to date you



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27 Sep 2006, 5:00 pm

I can't really say much from experience since all I've ever dated was NT's (well, one or two with OCD or ADD a bit). With all the flaws thought that people tend to point out on NT's they're still overlooking that were at least as brittle ourselves. I think to really do well with another aspie you almost have to be a bit stereotypical just because - we really aren't that common, aspie women even less, and I see way more sniping than hook ups by the people who seem to have the most defined personalities at least in print. NT's snipe too but usually it seems like its better natured and gets played off as a joke more often.
