Problems dating at school or work?

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04 Oct 2011, 12:44 am

Well...kind of bad wording on that but not sure how to put it.
Ever since I was a kid I have been afraid to date a girl at school or work because I don't know how I might be supposed to act while in school or at work. Should I hang around her all the time? Should i pretend we are not dating? (would prefer it so i can continue routine) Also i'd be worried people would talk about it, though i know i shouldn't. Just seems strange for me atleast when i see single people and then they are together and i have trouble associating them as together since i've known them as single since meeting them. I have trouble imagining people arranged like that and plus talking to two people is a lot more difficult then talking with one. Seems like i have to act professional at work/school but having a girl friend that i work or sit in class next to it might disrupt this. So i am afraid of the disruption so dating people in class or at work probably isn't a good idea?

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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04 Oct 2011, 12:58 am

1 - School is a better place to meet girls then work, because theres usually more down-time and just a better social atmosphere in general

2 - If you're in class with her, talk to her casually but don't be all lovey-dubby all the time. Communication is important in relationship. So if you can just be around the girl and just talk to her and be comfortable around each other, then you guys got something. And talk to your friends too. Moderation is key. But include your girlfriend with your friends

3 - Walk her to class, hold doors for her, etc. "Gentleman" stuff...

4 - Don't make out with her in the hallways. Don't be that kid.

5 - Also, listen to her talk. Thats another thing. Don't just talk to her. Girls love talking, so listen to her talk about gossip and Britney Spears and other things you probably don't care about, and just respond with simple responses that make her think you care about what she's saying. Like "Damn that sucks" or "Wow thats cool" or "What the hell is up with that". I know that sounds degrading, but it's SO true.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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04 Oct 2011, 2:39 pm

#5 is the most useful, seriously. Just ask them questions about themselves. I already have like 4 girls interested in me now because of that, getting girls is so easy, its the relationship, and finding the right person thats hard.


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04 Oct 2011, 2:57 pm

well i definately will not be going out with anyone who talks about britney spears, or lady gaga unless it is to insult them.

“It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.”
― George Washington

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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04 Oct 2011, 4:34 pm

liveandletdie wrote:
well i definately will not be going out with anyone who talks about britney spears, or lady gaga unless it is to insult them.

hahah yeah true. but seriousley, thats true. you gotta listen to them talk and act interested. ask them questions to keep the conversation going.

oh and be funny. make her laugh. if youve got a girl laughing, youve got a girl loving.