mv wrote:
AsteroidNap wrote:
anna-banana wrote:
I imagine it would be cool to have an excuse to dine in fine restaurants.
I still do it sometimes, on my own, but it draws weird looks ;P
haha, I do this too! The looks are weird...but hey, I want to try the good food too, and I'm not going to let the lack of a date stop me. Heck, I wouldn't see 90% of the movies that are out in theaters if I waited for someone to go with me. The best part about the single dining experience is then ordering a nice glass of wine to go with it.
I've also noticed that this single dining experience brings the manager over to my table more frequently to inquire about my meal. I imagine they believe I'm someone of importance, but they don't know who exactly. Nope! Just a dude with AS eating your chow. haha.
Anyway, sorry, going off topic.
This is my exact experience, too! I go most places alone, and I dress up when I feel like it. Sometimes it gets you attention you weren't expecting (like the manager coming to your table) and then I get nervous, but most of the time I'm just enjoying myself. I go to the movies alone, to plays alone, to restaurants alone, etc.
we should start a club
I'm definitely dressing up next time I go to a restaurant on my own! why have I never thought of that?
you know what else is fun? not having anything to distract you from the experience - no phones, books, newspapers, anything. just totally celebrating the good meal (sounds of appreciation including
). I used to always bring something to read, mainly to distract myself from the pitying looks, but since I stopped, I've noticed it's actually more fun to be totally present in the situation of the restaurant weirdo
it makes me feel less pathetic too
not a bug - a feature.