It just occured to me that when most ppl talk about rejection they either cite lonelyness or lack of sex. Now, "lack of sex" I always knew is shallow, it is not even a factor for me. As far as "loneliness", yes it would bother me. But it just occured to me that something else bothers me a lot more. Namely, the reason behind the rejection. That reason is the fact that NTs judge me and this plainly angers me. Now, if I were to imagine myself being extremely naive and "not knowing" that NTs are judging me, would plain loneliness bother me nearly as much? Well, yeah, I would feel lonely, I know I would. But I wouldn't be nearly as obsessed about it as I am now, nor would I be nearly as desperate to fix it. But when I KNOW that the reality of a situation is that I am being "punished" for something, it makes me even feel stupid to even think about being "lonely" or whatever the case might be. Doing so would be as stupid as someone in jail complaining about "missing their family" instead of the plain fact that they haven't committed the crime they are in jail for. So, because of this, my main motivation to dating is to "prove" the society "wrong" and "show" either myself or others that I "can" in fact have a girl. Then, of course, when it goes well, I feel a lot less lonely and a lot better; but to an extend this is just a side benefit. So I guess to me, my moties go in this order: FIRST status, THEN loneliness, THEN sex. Does anyone else has it in this order?