Well, yea...once i compared local guy profiles with girls profiles on okcupid (which are not many any time) , and I noticed that men write more stuff and more details unlike to what I expected.
Female profiles were more generic and had more photos.
some concrete male examples
http://www.okcupid.com/profile/Mareluce?cf=regular --> I am hating the caps.
you get the idea...
All those are public profiles on okc, so I am violating no one's privacy
, they're there to be viewed.
I bet that most of those guys started their profiles small ( and yes, I noticed that guys often make more adjustments on their profiles, girls often change change their pics) then they started to develop it more and more, they might even go to some forum and consult others, you need to check Jono's thread on this board and check the impressive amount of effort he invested in his profile, but what does forcing those guys to improve and constantly develop their profiles?
The truth about this disparity is not gender-related ,not at all, it's more need-related.
There's an old Arab proverb says "The need is the mother of invention" , which means that the need is what 'creates' or lead to the invention.
Why else do you think the greatest civilizations have emerged from harsh lands like deserts and areas with very harsh winters? Because of lack of food which creates that need to find ways to make more food: agriculture, which is the first requirement for civilization. Think of the Sumerians (desert, first civilization ever), Egypt (desert), Japan (earthquakes, tsunamis, mountains, lack of plains), of Europe (harsh winters and eras of lesser ice ages...), Russia ....etc
That's why native Americans , Amazonians and many African tribes never developed agriculture because they lived in areas where food and water was easily accessible (hunting from the forest) and available during the year. Hell, probably a climate change that forced humans to leave Africa after all, again... the keyword is the need.
There's much less demand on guys on online dating due to ratio imbalance (and that's true even on okcupid which claims to have a 1:1 ratio because a hella lots of women there go there for quizzes and not dating), so more competition between guys , so more need to improve the profile. Girls on okc, don't need to do that, they'll receive plenty of messages anyways, they would only add later "don't message me if..." list for better filtering, but not more.
So OP, you can preach what you're saying day and night, but nothing will change, if there's no need for this change.
Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 07 Sep 2011, 4:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.