poeticwrongplanet wrote:
Well, that's one of your first problems, OP. Don't expect women to give honest upfront answers in the realm of relationships.
I hope you're joking. That is a very sexist remark.
I feel like there is this urban myth going around circles of men that women only want a certain type of guy. It isn't fair on women to say that they're all the same and all want the same thing because believe it or not, women are actually individuals with different upbringings, different social statuses, different levels of education, different interests, different hormone levels, different cultures, different ideas on what handsome is, different ideas on how they want to be treated...
It's not fair on men either because it makes shy, quiet types think that they are not good enough. Stop telling the kind polite, caring men that they are deficient. They are not. My brother is a caring person, he buys flowers for his wife for no reason, he isn't in a high paying job, he isn't a party animal, he's quiet, he would never hurt a fly. He has a wife. Nice men can be attractive to women. And i'm not biased in my view, even though he is my younger brother, he is a hard worker, he is respectful to our family friends and is well liked and has a good reputation in general.
Not all women play games either. Some of us just like things to be straight forward. I like it when a guy is enjoyable to be around and we can spend time together and just talk about things that interest us, mostly music in my case, it's one of my obsessions.
I dont want a man who talks at me, I like him to view me as someone he enjoys talking to and listening to. I like doing nice things for the guy, maybe surprise him by making dinner and I like it when he does nice things for me. Its a mutual respect and a mutual enjoyment of being around each other.
Um, what i'm saying is don't view getting to know women as if you are shopping for a commodity. Women are people, just like men are people. We all want to be respected. Some women might use you, some men might, and have, use me. Hey, some people are selfish, but not all people are selfish. Don't throw your hands up in dispair and call all women crazy, it isn't true.