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24 Sep 2011, 1:48 pm

Enjoy. ... anti-game/

Constantly remind her how happy you are to be with her.
Laugh at your own jokes.
Laugh uproariously at her “jokes”.
Feed her need for gossip.
Put up with her s**t an order of magnitude more frequently than she puts up with your s**t.
Ask yes or no or one-word answer type questions.
Act contrite when she catches you checking out her body.
Stare, look away, stare, look away, stare, look away.
Ask her if she has a condom.
Cuddle her so long that she is the one to first start wriggling free.
Hold in farts around her until your colon bursts. (LTR applicable only.)
Fidget, talk fast, mumble, lean in, babble tiresomely like a girl who has a heavy emotional burden to unload.
Talk incessantly about the state of the relationship.
Whine about how hard life is.
Betray too much enthusiasm when she tells you about something cool she did.
Act impressed with her educational credentials or career success.
Sympathize with her bitching about badboy exes.
Agree to her tacit sex timetable. (A woman is capable of making you wait for months absent any masculine push on your part. Ironically, this very acquiescence to her female sensibility will turn her off to sex with you.)
Get wrathfully jealous every time she checks out a dude or talks about another guy.
Spitefully berate her genuine accomplishments.
Say crap like “I don’t deserve you” with sincerity.
Be a kitchen b***h.
Drop everything you like to do to do everything she likes to do. (Man, I know a lot of guys like this. Sickening.)
Wanly smile when she denigrates you to her friends.
Make videos like this. (Suffice to say, this nauseating beta dweeb did not win his ex back, muscles and looks to the contrary notwithstanding.)
Resort to saying “I suppose you’re right” every time she accuses you of some character defect.
Constantly, and insipidly, ask her if she “likes it this way” during lovemaking.
Forget the art of plain old f*****g.
Turn to face her fully as soon as you open a girl. Stay that way while she continues giving you her profile.
Buying girls drinks as a MEANS OF OPENING THEM.
Muck up cold reads until they sound like interrogations.
Show up more than five minutes early for dates. (She doesn’t have to know about this, but it will be written all over your body language.)
Go for the night-ending kiss, get denied, follow up by shouting at her as she’s leaving that you’ll call her. Make it a promise.
Skip on the way home after a “successful” date that did not end in sex.
Apologize for infractions she has not even accused you of.
Support feminism. Make a big show of it.
Ingratiate yourself to her. (Example: “Porn is disgusting. I’d never watch it.”)
Know a little too much about the TV wasteland, articles in the Style section of any major newspaper, or women’s fashion.
Make breakfast for her after the first night together. (She has not yet earned your LTR provisions. Buying her breakfast at the local deli is OK.)
Deprecate yourself for cheap laughs and conversation fuel. (As an example of the handicap principle in action, self-deprecation is acceptable in small — very small — doses.)
Follow her from bar to bar.
Join her plans instead of inviting her to join your plans.
Agree to meet her friends before you have sexed her. (Note: this can be pulled off if you have very high value or tight game, and you are certain sex is an eventual given.)
Wait in the exact same spot for her to return after she has told you she’ll be gone for ten minutes. Talk to no one while waiting.
Pine over, or disparage, your ex on a first date.
Listen to her intently when she talks about her exes.
Always follow her conversational lead. Never veer off the path she lays out, or start your own path.
Touch her hair too soon.
Sit with your legs crossed. (Acceptable only if you are an office executive.)
Sweat profusely from anything other than vigorous exercise, sex or fighting.
Eagerly say yes to every one of her requests. (“No” is a powerful male attractant. The mere utterance of it can electrify vulvae.)
Be hopelessly indecisive.
Fail every s**t test in spectacular fashion. (Example: vehemently deny you are the thing she says you are.)
Pick your nose and wipe the booger on her forehead. (Save this for the six month mark, at which point she’ll be too invested to do anything more than feebly complain.)


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24 Sep 2011, 2:01 pm

I don't think you want to know what I'm seeing here. :)


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24 Sep 2011, 2:14 pm

I would have sworn it was a GUI extension for Ogame.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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24 Sep 2011, 2:31 pm

So this was what PUA types did before they joined the cult? Or is this the advanced operating thetan stuff?


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24 Sep 2011, 2:38 pm

I don't get it.


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24 Sep 2011, 2:40 pm

The only problem with this advice is that its not good for any situation - ie. if you want to scare someone off it'll usually make them like you even more. :?

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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24 Sep 2011, 5:00 pm

For people who are confused, this is a list of things that turn women off from a man hence the term "Anti-Game", if you do any of these things often above then that can be the reason why the woman you want tends to not respect you/goes with another man.


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24 Sep 2011, 6:15 pm

For an easier time, I suggest printing this list and taping it to her forehead at the beginning of the date.

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24 Sep 2011, 6:40 pm

nobody ever does these things to the degree listed. dunno why these silly bloggers need to speak in such extremes. i.e. a man who cooks and does the eashing-up (even every night) is not a "kitchen b***h". he's a man who cooks. such exaggeration.

about three quarters of these apply only to LTRs, and "game" doesn't apply to LTRs, obviously. these bloggers have such an issue wth knowing how to focus on their audience.

anything in extremes will turn a person off, and usually people have no problems moderating. so keeping in mind that human beings don't behave in extremes as listed ever, the things i have included below work on me, or at least don't upset me in any way. i do all of these same things, myself, in an applicable LTR.

i've reworded them to reflect how humans actually act in the real world, instead of that man's strange fantasy:

Often remind her how happy you are to be with her.
Laugh at your own jokes when she laughs.
Laugh at her jokes.
Talk about people and their lives to a small degree.
Put up with her sh** just like she puts up with your sh**.
Ask yes or no or one-word answer type questions when warranted.
Ask her if she has a condom.
Cuddle her so long that she is the one to first start wriggling free. (YES PLEASE)
Fidget or talk fast when nervous, lean in, keep up your end of the conversation.
Talk often about the state of the relationship.
Discuss your life and any issues you have when they come up.
Be enthusiastic when she tells you about something cool she did.
Be impressed with her educational credentials and career success.
Sympathize that exes are exes for a reason.
Fall into a rhythm of sex frequency that works for both of you.
Be honest if you are getting jealous.
Let her know that she is a wonderful addition to your life.
Cook and clean up at least some of the time, according to your mutual chore agreement. If you love cooking, embrace it.
Do activities together that you both like, and sometimes act as her "plus one" in events that don't interest you (she will too).
Be open to the idea that neither of you are perfect, and work on making adjustments to yourself as necessary.
Ask her if she “likes it this way” during lovemaking.
Have awesome sex of many types.
Show up on time or early for dates, or let her know if you will be late.
Skip on the way home after a “successful” date that did not end in sex.
Apologize when you d something wrong, whether she noticed what you did or not.
Support feminism.
Be honest about your porn activities.
Talk about pop culture sometimes, as far as your knowledge goes.
Make breakfast for her after the first night together. (that would be AWESOME, though we could cook together)
Deprecate yourself for a joke sometimes.
Sometimes join her plans and sometimes invite her to join your plans.
Touch her hair. (if someone is close enough to kiss me, i don't mind if they touch my hair)
Meet her friends whenever it feels right.
Wait in the same spot for her to return after she has told you she’ll be gone for ten minutes. Talk to no one while waiting.
Listen to her when she talks about her exes occasionally and vice versa.
Allow conversation to ebb and flow ad be an equal contributor/guide.
Sit with your legs crossed. (don't see why this would matter)
Be decisive sometimes, and sometimes defer to her.
Say "yes" as often as feasible.

some of these ones i agree with, some are peculiar, and some don't make sense:

Stare, look away, stare, look away, stare, look away.

i dont understand this one, as there are extremely limited options as to how to look at a person. i don't seee how it would be better to stare all the time or look away all the time.

Hold in farts around her until your colon bursts. (LTR applicable only.)

this one is so strange. why would i care if he holds in his farts?


yes please, speak up.

Spitefully berate her genuine accomplishments.

yes, it's better to be supportive.

Make videos like this. (Suffice to say, this nauseating beta dweeb did not win his ex back, muscles and looks to the contrary notwithstanding.)

i don't care to watch the video, if it was linked.

Go for the night-ending kiss, get denied, follow up by shouting at her as she’s leaving that you’ll call her. Make it a promise.

i don't understand this one - whch part is the promise, which part is what he should not do. it's too messy.

Wanly smile when she denigrates you to her friends.

no person should put up with that kind of abuse. a relationship isn't worth getting crapped on.

Turn to face her fully as soon as you open a girl. Stay that way while she continues giving you her profile.

not sure what this means.

Follow her from bar to bar.

yes, don't be a stalker.

Pine over, or disparage, your ex on a first date.

that would be silly indeed on a first date.

Turn to face her fully as soon as you open a girl. Stay that way while she continues giving you her profile.
Buying girls drinks as a MEANS OF OPENING THEM.
Muck up cold reads until they sound like interrogations.

these are PUA bullshittery (thanks for the word, ValentineWiggin!). nothing else needs to be said.

Sweat profusely from anything other than vigorous exercise, sex or fighting.

it's good to be prepared and wear pit-stick, but some people are sweatier than others. it can't always be helped.

Fail every sh** test in spectacular fashion. (Example: vehemently deny you are the thing she says you are.)

s**t tests don't actually exist per se. the idea seems to have been invented by some men who have difficulty getting relationships off the ground. maybe they need a reason why things don't work out, and blame s**t tests. of course, some men become paranoid that women are setting little traps for them, when really... we are on the same side.

Pick your nose and wipe the booger on her forehead. (Save this for the six month mark, at which point she’ll be too invested to do anything more than feebly complain.)

i think this one is a joke, though so many on the list were absurd i can't really tell.

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:


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24 Sep 2011, 7:05 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
i've reworded them to reflect how humans actually act in the real world, instead of that man's strange fantasy:

When slightly reworded, they sound like normal things that normal people do when they like each other. I think the person that wrote the list has the same misconception (that women only like "alpha males" that mistreat them) that a lot of the people posting on this forum seem to have.

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24 Sep 2011, 7:22 pm

Crow_T_Robot wrote:
For an easier time, I suggest printing this list and taping it to her forehead at the beginning of the date.

A classic beta male mistake. Alpha males use staplers. It shows her you are able to procure office supplies in the wild.


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24 Sep 2011, 7:24 pm

simon_says wrote:
Crow_T_Robot wrote:
For an easier time, I suggest printing this list and taping it to her forehead at the beginning of the date.

A classic beta male mistake. Alpha males use staplers. It shows her you are able to procure office supplies in the wild.

Ah, good point. But don't staple more than once or she'll think you're clingy.

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24 Sep 2011, 7:51 pm

Crow_T_Robot wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
i've reworded them to reflect how humans actually act in the real world, instead of that man's strange fantasy:

When slightly reworded, they sound like normal things that normal people do when they like each other. I think the person that wrote the list has the same misconception (that women only like "alpha males" that mistreat them) that a lot of the people posting on this forum seem to have.

yes exactly!! !! that was my point. it's only when taken to extremes that anything could possibly be wrong with most of the list, and most people have no issue with behaving like normal human beings.

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:


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24 Sep 2011, 8:17 pm

The pick-up artist stuff may work for some, or even most guys. I can even say that one of the staples of it, gentle teasing, goes over really well (just part of my personality, not something I do on purpose). But when I'm looking, I'm looking for a girlfriend not just random sex (not that I'll turn down random sex if that's all I can get).

If a woman doesn't respond well to simple straightforward honesty (I like you, want to hang out?), then she's not the woman for me (and probably not the right woman for most aspie men). And there are many many women out there for whom my approach is the best way.

Which isn't to say that a guy should go around acting all desperate and clingy. Some guys seem to have no respect for themselves, following a girl who's not interested like a lost puppy. If she's not into you, just move on to the next one.

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25 Sep 2011, 12:29 pm

simon_says wrote:
Crow_T_Robot wrote:
For an easier time, I suggest printing this list and taping it to her forehead at the beginning of the date.

A classic beta male mistake. Alpha males use staplers. It shows her you are able to procure office supplies in the wild.


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25 Sep 2011, 12:33 pm

I thought it was all joke, do any sane men do those things?