DrowningMedusa wrote:
On the other hand, he has some interests which, as much as I try, I simply cannot get that interested in. I have to constantly remind myself to listen when he talks about his restaurant, customer reactions, bookings... etc. because I want to encourage him - I am extremely proud of him!! ! He's only 29 and running this insanely popular restauraunt in our city. :D And for someone who is "most likely NT", he's pretty darned dedicated to it!! !
But it's the business itself that's just not that interesting to me...
My boyfriend is NT & his passion (and job) is cooking, so that's what he has to offer when we're conversing. I'm not a foodie, most food is offputting on a sensory level to me, so we're at opposite ends of that topic. I have to work very hard to listen to him talk about what's of interest to him. Want to know him better, but talking about "things/events" instead of "feelings/thoughts" often bores me. Hard to know which differences in communicative style can be chalked up to gender (stereotypes) instead of being explicable as ASD-related. I'm dx'd w/ASD & feel need to talk about my interests, they're important expressions of parts of my personality.
DrowningMedusa wrote:
If we had nothing in common, though, we would probably not understand each other at all.
Takes constant effort but we try to find equilibrium & balance-it's worth it. I say I wouldn't want to be involved w/someone like me, my boyfriend says he wouldn't want to be involved w/someone like him. Guess we appreciate each others' dissimilarities, though it's more confusing for me to understand bc. I think/analyze/dwell way too much...
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*