As an introvert and an ISFJ on the Myers Briggs Personality Trait test, as well as a woman who is an official Aspie, I've always found great relief in coming through the front door to an empty house. It's as if I can almost -breathe- in the solitude. That's how nice it feels. However, there are people, NTs and Aspies, introverts and extroverts, men and women, who are very different than I am. My significant other is different from me. My behavior is somewhat of a mystery to him, so I was hoping that my fellow forum-dwellers could help me out. I find energy in being alone and being separated from others. He finds energy in the opposite, in being around others. We're opposites in that sense and it's as if we come from a different culture. How many of you find energy the more you spend time with your significant other, and how many of you find energy in spending less time? This is only for physically being there, face-to-face. There is no wrong answer, so please answer truthfully 
*insert clever and witty phrase here*