nemorosa wrote:
Nobody should marry. Going on 20 years with the same person and no inclination to marry. I cannot fathom the purpose.
Maybe not for you, but there's plenty of reason for the people who do marry.
Marriage allows people to have a convenient legal way to pool resources and declare ownership of property and custody of children after one or the other dies. It also gives them medical and financial power of attorney over each other when one or the other becomes incapacitated. If they are not married, they have to hire lawyers to do all this stuff separately. (And I hope you have. My mom and her boyfriend had this problem: She was not allowed to make medical decisions for him when he was unconscious and dying, because they were not married.)
It formalizes their commitment to each other.
It allows for a public ceremony that lets them tell the whole world they now consider themselves a family.
It serves as a rite of passage in our culture, initiating the couple into full adulthood.
Okay, maybe you're not into marriage; but there really are plenty of reasons for it. If you want to study further, I suggest you look up some sites talking about the issue of gay marriage, especially in the US where the debate is particularly hard-fought. Reading about the people who want to be married, and can't be, might give you a good picture of why marriage is so important to so many people.