I've had awesome luck at the ice skating rink. Hot chicks there for sure. I've been told if you get seriously involved in figure skating, that you'll basically have your choice of girls for partners for pairs or ice dancing. I'm not serious yet, as I have no money for a coach, so everything is self taught, but at least you can try talking to the girls there and stuff. Also, the ratio to of females to males at the rink is like 5:1, there's almost no males that figure skate. Some of the males that figure skate, too, I wouldn't be surprised if some had an AS diagnosis. Lots of quiet pasty shy guys, sometimes in glasses.
So yeah, in my opinion, if you wanna meet girls, get into ice skating. Hell, I've met a girl there who's likely got NVLD like me and likes anime music and stuff (I get to play Japanese music there over the PA speakers for the whole rink to hear, woohoo.)
If you can't do ice skating, I'd say the other best thing to do is dance classes. Learn to dance, and then there's probably going to be a stupid high ratio of females to men there, too, and they're sorta forced to socialize with you on the basis of you being there alone. Also, both ice skating and dancing, both things you can use later for girls. I have a friend who's 50+ now, but he was playing football, and his coach told him to take ballet for better agility. So, after taking ballet, he took ballroom dancing, Latin dance, etc, he said he'd go to clubs and girls would buy him drinks just to dance with him. I probably gotta take dance classes, too, to learn the dances off ice before I try them on ice.
So that's my opinion on the matter.