Yeah, I'm pretty much in the same boat actually. It's quite weird, I'm really quite chivalrous and all that fun stuff in my "love" thought process, but I hurt myself with a girl, not her fault at all, and yeah. Now I just don't care. It's weird, I'm quite a "useful" person to know, I can usually cook you dinner, fix stuff, teach you how to do things, but as far as emotional reciprocity goes, screwed.
It's very odd, too, I'm pretty good looking, I've been told, I'm able to socialize with strangers relatively well, etc. So, if I wanted to just randomly have promiscuous sex with random girls at clubs or something, I'm in a position to be awesome at it. Just, relationship is where I'm screwed.
So I've just basically given up. I don't really not want it, I do want it, and I leave open the option of it, just I don't feel like fighting for it. The effort isn't worth it for me. There's more heartache than I'd get for benefit out of it I think, so I just don't try at it anymore. It's not worth my time stressing over. So I fill my day up with random things, like today I figured out how to do low bar squats, so now I can squat more than before. No use wasting my time feeling sorry for myself, saying girls don't love me or whatever. I could probably get a girlfriend tomorrow, just like I could probably get a job tomorrow. The question is, are those items worth it? I want something that will work longterm, I don't want to risk failure again and again and again, the consequences of failure for those things far outweigh the benefits of success to me.
But yeah, completely get what you're saying. I kinda don't understand why the rest of this board hasn't taken our approach.