Orvaskesi wrote:
donkey wrote:
evolutionary explanations work for animals who have adapted to their environment, not necessarily for humans who have adapted their environment to suit them.
I agree - but it's not an "either-or" thing. We may
now be humans who modify our environment to our needs - but we haven't always been, and the slate didn't get somehow wiped clean when we did. We are still dealing with the detritus of all those millions of years before.
My "explanation" was half-facetious of course. Though I think the explanation for behaviour like the one mentioned by the OP does lie somewhere in this direction.
yeah ok..it does...but as a society, we tend to try and stray away from animal instincts and adult virgins can be seen as role models to aspire too, not necessarily losers...but as the raw animal pre-human explanation..it is the dominant guy who gets the most chicks true. but these dominant animals spend so much time fighting off other males that the quick smart ones can run in there and get a quickie in before anyone knows.
did someone mention 10$ for a hooker?
where is this at?..and is this a student discount.....im curius to know where it is to tell my virgin uncultured friends off course.