Wolfheart wrote:
Don't give up, approaching two people on a dating website is hardly going to be enough for you to learn from trial and error or find the right partner, you need to start making approaches in real life, try to find some classes that you have an interest in. Remember not to overlook the shy and quirky girls or girls that might be in a similar situation to your own, maybe you are going for the popular, outgoing types that you are not compatible with.
If a girl does reject you, don't analyze it, don't carry on talking to her if she has no intention of being a genuine friend or partner, simply disregard her and move on to the next pursuit, it's like everything in life, it takes an iron will and persistence. Keep trying, not every girl you meet is going to be compatible with you and that is something you have to accept, you will eventually meet the right partner or girl that likes you for who you are.
Thats kind of why I gave up dating websites, most of the girls on them are popular and outgoing and that isn't a good fit for me. Probably someone who is shy is a good fit because it's one thing in common. I guess going to a class is better than trying to find someone in public because finding someone in public is just that much harder.
hale_bopp wrote:
With a user name like that you should have women all over you.
Haha, I wish that were so. Being a smooth talking dude like that who can just approach anyone, oh how I wish I could be someone like that