Hey to all,
so, I don´t really know if this belongs here or would be better in "The Haven"...but I will just give it a try: so the thing is that there is this guy who seems (I´m never sure about these things) to like me and seems to be interested in getting to know me closer. I never really had a functional relationship with someone because I can´t handle if someone is too emotional and wants to get too close to me. The thing is that I also wouldn´t want to end up alone all my life, and this guy, who is a friend, seems to be a really nice person with a good heart, but...I just get so annoyed with his overly emotional manners and his intentions to touch me, etc. I don´t want to sound like a hysteric cow but this is really stressing me. At the same time my low tolerance to his niceness is stressing me too. Somehow I think I can´t do this and I feel a bit
every time after we have met and I have kept him on a polite distance, but at the same time I feel relieved when he leaves and I get back to my stuff again. Is there something I can do about this? Are there de-sensibilizing methods? Someone has similar experiences?
Thank you!