Something I find comforting about forums like this and the Internet at large is that the more I read and research, the less I feel as a sole nutcase. For example,
here's the Wikipedia's definition of "Love-shyness" that fits me to a T. Now, I have discovered (and accepted) I have much of the AS traits, but if someone asked me what's my biggest problem right now, that definition certainly sums it up.
Now at 31, I've been able to overcome many of the professional and maturity hurdles that plague the life of Aspies, including public speaking, stage panic and all that - but is this "love-shyness" thing that still sticks out my own self like a sore thumb. And worst of all, I don't know exactly why; perhaps I tried to ask someone out at school, failed (or she dumped me, whatever), and haven't completely got over it - and that built a strong fear of rejection in me so strong that I have unconsciously avoided to be exposed to a similar situation... and guess what, I'm not shy at all to talk to women at this stage. The problem is when I want to go beyond casual talk and simply can't. Being put into words, it sounds so easy to overcome, but reality tells otherwise...
Now back to that definition, the Wikipedia advises:
(Love shyness proposer, psychologist Brian) Gilmartin makes references to astrology, reincarnation and Kirlian aura to support his research. This fact goes against the credibility of his work.
Now, bogus or not, I feel that love-shyness, or something very similar, does affect a large percentage of the AS community, and that we "straight" men, as expected, get the worst part of it. I just wondered if someone here has felt something similar and if so, please tell... loneliness can certainly use some company.
I'm 22 and never been on a date in my life and probably never will. My current social standing does not help (being an disability pensioner and not having a job).