In so called neurotypical world, to pursue someone and than to dump them without any reason would be considered very mean and dishonest.
Yep, but it happens all the time and I will tell you that the men who have done this to me are actually decent individuals. It's a phenomenon with no real sense, though it's as common as dirt.
I thought autistic people are truthful, so I thought may be there is something I am missing.
Yes, I often hear and read this about autistics being truthful. In my experience that's simply not true. A couple of HFA guys I know; lies are the 1st things out of their mouths. Approach them when they don't want to be interrupted or with something they don't want to deal with or admit to; boom; a lie is the response you get. And given how often they don't want to be interrupted and how many things they don't want to deal with or admit to; it adds up to a
lot of lying. As far as honesty is concerned I think autistics are like anyone else.
But I think you're stretching the point to say that this guy lied to you. People say; love, a lot and it means various things. It's not uncommon to feel some sort of love for someone and also not want to be in any kind of relationship with them; I've felt that way about a couple guys, myself.