So I'll try to make t his as succinct and non-convoluted as possible. At work today I had to contact a producer at the local TV station, after my production company recieved an inquiry about licensing some stock footage for a TV promo spot.
The producer's name had an odd spelling, and I wanted to verify I had the correct spelling before I wrote her. A google search later I found some basic info, was able to verify the name, and saw a picture of her.
Needless to say she is very attractive, and looks about my age, perhaps a bit younger. It's not often to find many women in film/video production, unless they act or do makeup, so to find someone who is into producing is pretty cool, and seems like a worthwhile opportunity, to make a new contact, friend, and perhaps more, as is always the possibility when it comes to the opposite sexes.
But. I. Just. Don't. Know.
I can't think of any plausible way to even meet her, let alone break the ice. With technology the way it is, these transactions are pretty much done via email and FTP, and gone are the days when you'd courier a tape or hard drive over. I may never see this person ever, unless I orchestrate something. And of course I know nothing about her, apart from that we have similar careers, and I'd be interested in learning more.
And besides all that, she's so cute, what chance do I really have anyways? I'm not deluded enough to think she's in my league, as far as my looks go compare to hers.
Do I even bother. Or should I just stick with what's been work, what has kept me sane, which has been to focus on being happy alone, and to not even think about women, dating or the possibility there is anyone out there for me?