cinbad wrote:
wow.... you are only 14 years old! How old is your girlfriend and please tell me she is not an internet girlfriend. If she is and you haven't met her in person, you may have just "dodged a bullet". There are so many perverts out there honey. You have to be very careful. If she is not responding to you chances are, she isn't who she says she is. Being "pissed off" is a manipulative practice. It is a way that they get what they want because they think you are too weak/lonely/insecure to risk losing them. Don't fall for it. Stand up for yourself and just tell her you are too shy. Better that than to find a naked picture of yourself in the hands of pedophiles who will pay a ton of money for it and then have it end up on a police station wall as evidence.
If you have met her in real life and she is asking you for a naked picture, I'm not sure you really want a girl like this right now or even later in life. This is not normal behavior for a young girl.
My girlfriend's 13 and I know her in real life, but she's defidentally more of the guy in the relationship.
Empathy Quotient Test Score: 63
Hmmm...interesting. Shows what you know about Aspies, doesn't it rofl?
"One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small but the pills that mother gives you don't do anything at all"