I have trouble flirting - I just don't know what to do, I can't touch her in a way that isn't awkward (because I don't know how is it awkward, so attempting it is most likely going to end up badly) and I don't know what to say. This is a huge part of the reason for why I had so little success with NT females. As far as I know, most aspies have the very same problem.
However, if I'm with an aspie, it would be different. I believe that the approach that works with NT women would work for most aspies, but since I can't really do this approach, I'd have to develop a different strategy (or just learn this approach, but it would take me some time and parts of it might not work).
I guess that some sort of a crude approach, with compliments on how she looks, and crude versions of NT flirting, without being too bold because it might result in something awfully awkward (making her feel awkward wouldn't be good, even if both of you know you're both aspies). But it might not be enough, and how would I know if she is rejecting then?
How would you aspie females like to be flirted with?