Looking for stories / blogs of dates / relations
I assume you're looking for successful dating stories, not my one-time fail of a date a year or so ago. We liked each other but I was trying to carry her stuff for her (Not all of it, just some) when I wasn't carrying anything myself, and she was being too independent (For me, not overall), and it didn't work out, I guess. I still liked her but she didn't like me.
However, that's not to say that dating is actually hard so long as you know what works and what doesn't. It really helps if your personalities mesh; It makes a date or even just general interactions so much easier.
I found the girl I'm in a relationship with by... well, I talked to her initially because I'd noticed she loved Doctor Who just like I did. Common ground lead to me initiating contact, and then because our personalities meshed, it continued and became wonderful and *swoon~* Okay, okay, enough of that. Anyways, I think it's better if you like a girl or want to date a girl for more than looks; Usually you should share some common ground, whether it be interests or personalities or your pasts or your goals, et cetera.
If you want a date, do something with a specific purpose (NOT going to the mall just to shop around aimlessly, like what I did), public (For the first date at least; I went to the mall, a public place), but something that still allows you to enjoy and focus on each other. Concerts meet the first two requirements, but you can't focus on each other, not really. It's similar with going to the movies. You could go to the circus, maybe? Nah, you'd be focusing on the events, although it'd be a fun thing to do once you are more comfortable together. Make it something where you have the chance to talk to each other, but not the whole time. Going to a theme park might be good. You walk around to rides/attractions, and while you walk, talk. And then enjoy whatever you do, and perhaps a ride on the ferris wheel would provide a tinge of romantic feeling to the mood.
And a lot of it depends on the girl herself. If you don't have anyone in mind already, then I think it'd be good to try and find someone who has some similarities in personality and interests between you two. That way, you have thing to talk about (The interests part) while at the same time being able to do it comfortably (For the personality part). Don't tell her everything about yourself in one go, especially not the deeper things (Like secrets or life-changing, serious things) about yourself and your life. There may be an exception to this if she does so first, which might imply that she's as awkward as you are with this.
I'm not sure if I helped at all or not. If you want more clarification on stuff or something, feel free to PM me!
mini golf. i want to try a mini golf date so bad. i think it will work out alright. its the perfect place to have a date! you can both have fun playing a game, and talk whilst you do it. surely after a strenuous game of mini golf a date couldnt end up poorly, right? XD
the main things are:
1.) be confident!
2.) try to be funny if you are, but at least be lighthearted and not serious. dont bring up topics like religion, or past relationships with x's. no politics, either.
3.) smile a lot. dont underestimate the power of a genuine smile!
4.) keep the date short-ish at the start. you dont want to have a long drawn out date because then you will run out of stuff to talk about. if you are like me, smalltalk is super hard. this just makes it that much worse. dinner and a movie is much better broken up into dinner, OR a movie. another plus to this is its a lot less expensive (dinner and a movie for my last date was 50$!).
5.) try to keep the conversation going. awkward silences cant always be avoided, but do try your hardest to avoid them
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Hardly dated and feel like time is running out for dates |
28 Feb 2025, 6:00 pm |