GlendaGoodWitch wrote:
I read that aspie males can sometimes run away from the object of their affection if they do not know what to say or fear what they will say will offend us.
I obviously don't speak for every Aspie male, but this is a
huge issue for me.
I have a huge fear that anything I say/do will be interpreted to have a meaning which is the polar opposite of what I intended, also that something I say/do which I believe to be trivial or innocuous will turn out to be deeply offensive to the other person.
This is NOT an irrational fear, it has been borne out time and time again in my real-world experience - to the extent that I have come to believe that it is practically impossible for me to grow/sustain a romantic relationship.
If that is the dynamic which is occurring in your situation, it is absolutely imperative that you understand it and respond with the proper restraint and/or patience to allow him to become comfortable with you and gain an intellectual understanding of your thoughts/feelings/moods in a way which is normally "automatic" and intuitive for NTs.
I hope this helps, and good luck!