Hi, I'm new to this site
I'll mimic another title I saw on here, and adapt it to my situation: I'm a 27-year-old male who has dated 1 person in my life (not counting a platonic girlfriend during my early teens). That 1 person I dated in my adult life became my wife 11 months later. Talk about luck, right? I'm usually very picky, yet we hit it off almost immediately. Well, I've been divorced from her for three years now, and really don't know how to start dating, since I've almost never done it. Marriage I know well, but dating is all but brand new and foreign to me. Asperger's doesn't help. I will see attractive women who are waiting for me to say something to them -- but I have NO IDEA what to say to start a conversation, and end up passing up these opportunities. So, to try and overcome this frustration, sometimes I've just gone with my best instinct of what to say. It's usually "off-base", apparently -- not inappropriate, but just very Aspergian in my lack of reading -- or indeed producing -- facial cues, correct tone of voice, body language, etc. My voice also does not carry well, and I'll often use the wrong volume in a greeting. I can't seem to camoflauge my Asperger's at all in any first-meeting situation. Can anyone relate?