Are you into couple dancing?

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12 Mar 2012, 6:28 am

Any good tips and experience sharing regarding the social side and technical side of couple dancing (moves) ..?

And I do mean couple dancing to modern music with young people. Not solo disco nor line dance etc.

A few of mine seems to be:

#1 Dancers gossip, a lot!

#2 Being a good dancer goes a long way.

#3 Watching body language is huge clue.

#4 Dancing gets you physically close, chemistry can happen :D

#5 Moves that goes with the music is alright even if private parts happens to touch. Moves not in sync with music is worthless no matter what ;)

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12 Mar 2012, 1:25 pm

I would be into it if I could find a guy to dance with. I'm the one dancing alone at the edges of the dance floor most of the time.


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12 Mar 2012, 1:31 pm

Ellendra wrote:
I would be into it if I could find a guy to dance with. I'm the one dancing alone at the edges of the dance floor most of the time.

This but change genders.


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12 Mar 2012, 4:43 pm

I'm not a dancer. I have about 12 left feet. But if a girl wanted to dance with me, I would do it. I'd warn her that she'd probably have broken toes when all is said and done. But I'd still do it if she was down with that. I don't like dancing (in fact I hate it), but in that case it's not about the dancing, it's about being with a girl...


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12 Mar 2012, 7:02 pm

i love dancing! lots of different kinds!


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12 Mar 2012, 7:40 pm

When you have chemistry and the same sense of rhythm as your partner, dancing can make things magical and fun.

My boyfriend and I always seem to end up dancing for some reason. Even if we're at a pub and there's a song we like, sometimes we'll start randomly dancing with each other in our chairs. A few weekends ago we went to a fundraiser club event with some friends, and we spent the whole time just dancing with each just so felt right. A few photographers at the event even hounded us for pictures. :)

Would definitely agree with all the points except for #1 and #4. Dancing is about getting caught in the moment and having a good time, and this doesn't necessarily mean you can be good at it. Not sure where the OP came up with the gossip thing, although the type of people who regularly frequent nightclubs are known to get caught up in petty squabbles and drama.

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12 Mar 2012, 11:07 pm

I got into dancing about a year ago. It has helped a lot. It has improved my body language and coordination. I am also much more confident going up to women. I have to warn you that you will suck dancing at first. At least, I did. It took me forever to get semi-good, and I still have a lot of work to improve on.

Oh, and I agree about the gossiping part. I think a lot of girls won't give me a chance because they have talked about me. I don't know why because I've never done anything bad, so it is a lot harder for me to get noticed. It is like I've been cock-blocked where I go dancing. lol I mean, if I show an iterator in a girl, she will ask her friends about me, and the outcome is always of a blah nature. But, that's cool. I'm becoming friends with a lot of people, and I think that the other girls are starting to see that I'm actually a nice guy. Overall, I'm happy with dancing. It has really done a lot to change my life. Anyway, here is a blog I wrote on dancing and how it transformed my life. Maybe, it will inspire someone on these boards. ... -verb.html

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15 Mar 2012, 8:26 pm

While I admit to not being able to dance like, say, the people at clubs, I don't mind doing it at all. It's one of the few forms of body movement that I can understand and hold a good flow of communication that's probably expected of us when socializing with a large group of people!

EDIT: By understand, I mean read and communicate. That's also providing the partner doesn't trigger a sensitivity!!


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16 Mar 2012, 2:47 am

I would be except for 2 reasons:

1. No coordination

2. People suck and socialising is boring

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Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
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-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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16 Mar 2012, 3:15 am

Real men don't dance.

They get their women to clean their weapons.


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16 Mar 2012, 3:55 am

I'd prefer couple's choreographed routine type dances (rock n roll, salsa, ballroom etc) as one would be too busy concentrating on the dance steps to socialise and converse too much. There is the icky OCD factor for me of having to hold hands and exchange cooties with other people though :eew:

As for regular nightclub type dancing, I don't even like to do that solo let alone with someone else.


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16 Mar 2012, 4:05 am

I love dancing, but I'm not really into the nightclub type or the choreographed crap. The last one sucks all of the un out of it for me. I really like couples dancing and the fact that I can follow a guy no matter what, as long as it's impro or street style stuff, it's heaps of fun.

@ Arman: Don't worry, if you keep going with it, the girls will eventually hit a plateau and at the same time your skills will keep continuing to get better and better. Girls always learn the beginning fast then reach their plateau. Guys really struggle in the beginning and intermediate stages, but after that they take off and just keep going. Those girls will regret rejecting you later :wink:

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16 Mar 2012, 5:20 am

No I don't do modern "couple-dancing." I have no intuitive ability to groove about gracefully, just as I have no intuitive ability to read people's feelings. Even when I perform music, which through long practice I can do almost effortlessly, I hardly move, because it just looks stiff and clumsy when I do. I could probably fix it if I took lessons and made it a special interest, carefully focussing on my movements, watching myself on video and correcting the weird, jerky movements. Just like I did with my musical skills. It would take a long time.

I went to some dancing classes once, and enjoyed them.....but they were all traditional, set dances such as the waltz.....the most modern were rock & roll and the salsa........I didn't like the salsa because it's too sexual ("dirty dancing" just comes over to me as sleazy and vulgar).......but I liked the rock & roll dance, and if I'd had a bit more time there, I think I would have mastered it. I couldn't keep up with the pace of the teaching, but I could see that there was nothing that I wouldn't be able to do if I had enough time.

It would be nice to have a few modern dancing skills in my repertoire, but I expect Ithere are more useful things I could do with my time. And I think it's mostly a young people's thing, and that it would set me apart from the kind of people I relate to best - I always feel kind of relieved when a new acquaintance tells me that they don't like disco dancing........suppose it's a potential partner? I'd have to choose between following them into a world in which I was at a huge disadvantage, or staying at home while they strutted their funky stuff for other guys and had all the fun I couldn't give them. So I think I'll stick to "fuddy-duddies" who just like the occasional circle dance.


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16 Mar 2012, 8:20 am

I have done a lot of "dirty dancing", look at the first movie with the same name for inspiration ;) Anyway I find it keeps loneliness and lack of touch in check. So I can engage fully in other projects the rest of the time.


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16 Mar 2012, 10:37 am

I like to watch people dancing. I also like to watch aerial acrobats and chainsaw jugglers, but I couldn't do any of that myself. I'm glad if I somehow manage to pour myself a cup of coffee and carry it back to my desk without spilling anything, dropping the mug, stumbling over my own feet, bumping into a wall, or stepping onto a cat. Sometimes I end up doing all of that, although not necessarily in the same order.