kevinisginger wrote:
As an aspie, I have a lot of problems communicating with girls. I always find myself wondering why girls rarely even talk to me. I feel like the way I make eye contact with not just girls, but with most people in general, can just be really weird. Especially with girls, I feel like I get judged by them when I'm probably not. I try to be nice and personable with girls, but it never seems to work. Sometimes I wonder if I should just be a complete jerk to girls to get anywhere with them, but I don't think that would work either, because I'm sure I'd find a way to screw that up too.. I don't think I'd be a bad boyfriend, I'm easy going and people tell me I'm funny and I always do favors for people, even though that usually winds up biting me.
I wonder if I just care too much about getting a "relationship." Blah
the bolded part may be your problem. there is another thread in the forum called "breaking the desperation cycle" or something, which may be of assistance to you.
"nice" and "personable" are not marketable traits; they are socially expected behaviours. hairstylists are nice and personable. so you'll need to cultivate something more than that. keep in mind that doing the opposite doesn't work either. what i mean is that you need to be something MORE. you need to be interesting. some of the highly successful people in love and dating are those that have a strong sense of themselves and are aware of their own strengths and worth.
also, make sure that you aren't doing favours for females in the expectation they will reciprocate with any sort of romantic feeling. a sense of indebtedness is not an aphrodisiac.
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list: