I miss my aspie boyfriend severely

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22 Mar 2012, 4:05 am

I miss him so much. He dumped me in January 2011. And this year, he said he wanted to try again, but now he said he has changed his mind. I still hold out hope that one day, we could give it another go, purely because I don't ever think the relationship reached its full potential, and I think we suit each other so well. I say this, because after dating an NT guy who I have so many major issues with, the issues I have with this particular ex are just a breeze to work through - however, I guess he has issues of his own that he must resolve, and I must respect that. I still can't stop myself from thinking, "If I hadn't taken such a long time to decide what I wanted to do..." or "Was he telling the truth when he said he simply fell out of love with me THAT quickly???" I have not by any means gotten over him and I doubt I ever fully will.


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22 Mar 2012, 4:13 am

It sounds like you went through a very painful break up and it can be difficult to move on, I have experienced a couple of painful break ups and I think the best thing you can do is just try to realize there's more to you than one relationship, I'm sure you had times you were happy before your relationship with him and I'm sure you will have moments when you are happy in the future. Try to focus on the positivity that you can feel independently, you can spend forever debating the past or you can look forward to the future.

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22 Mar 2012, 5:04 pm

I miss my aspergers boyfriend aswell. oh hes out there alright, I just know it! :pig:

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22 Mar 2012, 5:44 pm

While I understand your feelings, he's obviously not sure what he wants. And honestly, I haven't heard of it working out for many couples who do the whole get back together thing.

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22 Mar 2012, 7:58 pm

I know the feeling. I'm sorry you're feeling so sad. I'm sure you meant something very dear to him, and who knows what else may be affecting his ability to give it another go. I hope you find the love you want, in some form, soon. Best!