I miss him so much. He dumped me in January 2011. And this year, he said he wanted to try again, but now he said he has changed his mind. I still hold out hope that one day, we could give it another go, purely because I don't ever think the relationship reached its full potential, and I think we suit each other so well. I say this, because after dating an NT guy who I have so many major issues with, the issues I have with this particular ex are just a breeze to work through - however, I guess he has issues of his own that he must resolve, and I must respect that. I still can't stop myself from thinking, "If I hadn't taken such a long time to decide what I wanted to do..." or "Was he telling the truth when he said he simply fell out of love with me THAT quickly???" I have not by any means gotten over him and I doubt I ever fully will.