I'm in my early twenties and I'm just a fledgling in this department and I'm quite concerned with having Aspergers will I be able to be like your typical girl and fall in love?
I know that I actually like this guy and its mutual on his behalf aswell. I like this guy but there is no feelings of love, I feel a genuine happiness when his presence or even when I am away from him thinking about him, I enjoy spending my time with him and my heart beats faster like any other person, based on an Aspergers girl does it take a while to fall in love and how do you when you are in love, will your partner read the tell tale signs before you do?
One of my biggest concerns is that will I ever truly fall in love like an everyday girl or will my love be a different kind of love from everyone else.
This is such an exciting time however I'm also so concerned as I really want to respect and nurture this guys feelings and I don't want to reciprocate something in which I do not feeling but I also want these feelings to 'hurry' up so to speak so we can be boyfriend and girlfriend, we've only been friends for 7 weeks, its all happened so fast.
Please reply girls, I need your help and also guys feel free to tell your experiences if you are dating an Aspie girl.
Thank you