Scintillate, you go around these boards claiming to be some don juan, like your on par with johnny depp or something with the ladies, and you've claimed you always have been. I have read many of your posts. And, I find it hard to believe your even AS. I mean, that is a VERY clear anti-symptom. Now, if you had said, you had a girlfriend but it took alot of work for you to get her, that I might have been able to believe. I was once one of them (and my dumb@$$ f****d it up)..... But I'm tired of seeing AS being treated like the next AD(H)D. Just because you have a few small symptoms doesn't mean you've got it.
I'm not trying to offend you, I am trying to point you in the right direction with whatever diagnosis your seeking, but if someone dx'ed you as an aspie and you've been playing don juan growing up, it is abundantly clear you were strongly misdiagnosed. Now counselors are starting to throw the diagnosis around too loosely, just like they did with ADD. That, and un-dx'ed people who identify with one or two slight characteristics and want to play cowboys and indians with it, those are the ones who honestly offend me.
Back to topic, it's an evolutionary phenom to describe.... Yeah, NTs are after status and wealth, and to a lesser degree, so are aspie females (in general), and to a far lesser degree so are aspie males. We're evolving away from such things though.... The reasoning behind why males are ***GENERALLY*** more evolved than females lies in gender psychology. Women are designed to think more with emotion, though all NTs largely think with emotion reguardless of gender, but women signifigantly even moreso. Hince, AS is refferred to as "the dominantly male brain" (in males or females), analytical and logic-based thought patterns. But, the men aren't without fault either though. Many NT men are either neglective, abusive, etc., but NT women seem to like these qualities because it displays dominance... And dominance is what theyr whole game is about.
In general, yeah, we're (AS) the next phase of evolution, we're a more advanced model, morally and intellectually. This does not mean our lives hold greater value than those of NTs, but niether does it mean that we're less important either, such as the NT establishment often makes us feel. Now, if the PC gestappo libs or jesus nazi cons wants to cut my throat over this then I don't really care......... I'm in a very pissy mood today, but rest assured I'll tell it like i see it.