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08 Apr 2012, 1:42 am

I cannot read signs well, so I honestly think that every guy who is nice to me is flirting with me or hitting on me. I mean, I am not interested in a relationship because I do not give all my attention to someone. But at the same time, I feel attracted to them... but I don't just want sex...

I am confused... why do I think that all nice guys are flirting with me? This is confusing!

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08 Apr 2012, 3:18 am

Well, probably half of them are flirting with you.

Doesnt mean you have to go to bed with each one of them.


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08 Apr 2012, 3:37 am

Guys may at times seem like they are flirting with you. Some of them could just be leadning you on its crule but it happens. They are confusing to me at least gay men are because they feel to notice that I am trying to flirt with them. But instead they think I am going to bash them when I am just trying to get them to notice me.


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08 Apr 2012, 3:53 am

If you're attractive, then guys will automatically flirt with you without really thinking about it. Even if they have no intention of getting involved with you.


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08 Apr 2012, 9:48 am

Declension wrote:
If you're attractive, then guys will automatically flirt with you without really thinking about it. Even if they have no intention of getting involved with you.

I think it is pretty instinctive to flirt, both genders. First, you can't be sure how interested you are in someone until you've interacted. Second, you want that person to be responsive when you've decided you are interested. So, the default is to get anyone with any ounce of potential interested.

I found it easiest to just flirt back until a defining question came up, or until I was sure I had no interest. Don't let yourself invest in it, just take it for what it mostly is: an explorative interaction.

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08 Apr 2012, 10:07 am

if you think guys are confusing then... well you get the picture

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08 Apr 2012, 1:37 pm

I have exactly the opposite problem... Guys talk to me, and it doesn't occur to me that they're doing anything other than just being friendly...until they say something that makes it blatantly obvious that their interest is sexual, at which point I'm usually too floored to do anything but stare at the floor and stutter.

Er...that wasn't very helpful, I guess...


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11 Apr 2012, 6:18 pm

I used to think women may of been interested in me when they were simply being nice & I've unintentionally acted like I was flirting with women when I was just trying to be nice. I think it may be due to my being extremely direct & knowing that NTs aren't. Like I know flirting is more subtle so my Aspieness was trying to compensate by trying to apply NT logic to niceness but my brain doesn't understand NT logic

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02 May 2012, 7:59 am

nick007 wrote:
I used to think women may of been interested in me when they were simply being nice & I've unintentionally acted like I was flirting with women when I was just trying to be nice. I think it may be due to my being extremely direct & knowing that NTs aren't. Like I know flirting is more subtle so my Aspieness was trying to compensate by trying to apply NT logic to niceness but my brain doesn't understand NT logic

When I was younger I thought that everytime a guy was being nice to me, he wanted to date me. The truth was that I thought this because that's what I was hoping for. I didn't miscontrue anything. That's what I wanted. :roll:

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02 May 2012, 2:09 pm

Girls are JUST as confusing trust me they boggle me...

it probably is that lots of those guys are flirting with you, you just need to ask yourself whether this bothers you or you are okay with it... personally you should take it as a compliment i wish girls would do that to me im not bad looking what gives! but yea the prob are flirting but maybe you should get what i have.. (my best friend is also my girpedia and i am her guypedia (in fac she is getting married!))... so if you have any friends that you are close with who are guys and they just see you as a friend then maybe yous hould ask them what stff means and whether it is flirting he will know... if not just post some of the stuff ur talking about in here (we can help) or you can pm me if you dont want to do that (i study psychology and love to analyze stuff like this).


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02 May 2012, 2:12 pm

Some guys are flirting with you. Others are just friendly.
Some of the guys flirting with you don't want to go out with you. Some do.
Do you want them to flirt with you? Would you rather they didn't?
Does this stop you from forming any neutral bonds of friendship with men? Does your view of every guy thinking you're cute if they talk to you influence how you treat guys in general?