Is it meant to be serious or humorous? (Sorry I am always confused about when something is serious or not, please don't take offence)
Chummy wrote:
Okay, if I had a dating site profile (I don't want to have one but hypotetically speaking) it would look like this:
Nickname: AuralSex123
Real name: Carter
Familiy name: Carter
Eyes: Brownish gray
Sexual orientation: Straight
Hair: Straight
Sex: Male
Drive: Yes
Sex Drive: Yes, that too.
What would YOURS look like ?
I wouldn't have a serious dating profile, even if I was single. I just wouldn't know what to say. If I was really honest it would probably look like this:
Nickname: Silky
Real name: Secret
Familiy name: As above
Eyes: Green
Sexual orientation: Straight
Hair: Thick
Personality: As above
Drive: No.
Sex Drive: Definitely not, that would be very dangerous - particularly on a motorway.