No conscious odd preferences, just the usual TLC, honest, loyal, GSOH stuff........I just finished reading a book on compatibility, and was surprised how few items on their lists mattered much to me. My preferences seem to be skewed towards security, but again, at my age that's hardly odd.
I seem to like intelligence in a partner.....maybe that's weird if you believe this thing about men finding female intelligence a threat?
I suppose my "no mainstreamers" policy is a tad unusual. I don't even notice it much consciously, but I guess I have pretty much screened mainstreamers out, or maybe it's just them that don't like me.
Let's see, what else puts me off a woman as a potential partner?
Personality too fluffy and glrlie.
Clothing too sexualised in public.
Adherence to mainstream fashion standards, makeup, shoes, etc.
Judgemental or dismissive, weak on compassion.
Politically right-wing.
Careerist, too much emphasis on work ethic and getting ahead.
Porn feminist, girl-power etc.
Disinterest in me.
Alcohol or other dangerous drug dependency.
I don't see much there that's odd. A tad quaint in parts, but why not?
Strange thing is, although my conscious preferences don't seem extreme, the partners I've ended up with have been.