My wife would cantor at her parents church, and some how I got pulled into singing in the choir after we got married and before we had kids. I thought I was good until the music director hired some professional singers. This one alto sung a solo (Favre Requiem??) so beautifully during a rehearsal, everybody in the choir became mute and could not come in at the right time, not just little ole Aspie me. I broke the ice by saying "My God that was beautiful." We all knew that if that happened during the concert we were toast.
Point being, its is f****ing hard to sing on key, loud, no microphones, on a stage, in makeup and costume, while moving around. They are talented! Makes you appreciate it. My in-laws had seasons tickets to the matinee at the Lyric Opera in Chicago, and we would go a few times. They had seats on the floor in the aisle. They have since passed away.
Might want to post where you are, and when is the opera, if you are looking for takers here. And what is the opera.
In my opinion, chose comfort over style when selecting what to wear to the opera. And go easy on drinking beverages. Some looooong lines during intermission.