Here's the scoop guys: I'm 22 yrs old, and even though I've been told how good looking and cute I am all my life, I've always been a huge f*****g wierdo and possess plenty of aspie traits (narrow, obsessive interests like bicycles and mecha anime, difficulty with coordination and eye-contact, no ability to empathize w people etc) but for the past two years I made a serious effort to socialize AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE and have since been able to appear completely normal on demand, and now with a combination of how I look and a decent ability to charm women on the first couple of dates, I've been getting number and going on dates regularly, erry week, with plenty of beautiful girls.
However I'm starting to see a pattern, after the first few dates, usually 2-3, the girl just cuts things off, which is understandable bc I've learned over 2 years how to coordinate myself correctly and keep the conversation going while talking to ppl without saying stuppid random s**t and not looking awkward or really uptight while doing it, BUT I'm still lacking that visceral connection with the girl, I know deep down that my thought processes are just way too different from hers, and that's why I can't keep things going once they're initially attracted to my looks and a few sh***y jokes I tell them at first. I'm not trying to be a swinger or anything, these are just skills I had to work at to attract women in general.
Question is, if I go out and seek an aspie girl who has similar thought processes to mine that I can genuinely connect with, one that Id feel comfortable staying with for the long run of course, will she probably leave me for a more neurotypical dude? or am I underestimating the bond between two aspies in love?