JanuaryMan wrote:
I would consider it but it's worth bearing in mind such relationships may not last.
He's 42 and people these days stay in good health for longer, plus there's plenty of mileage left before any serious tastes change.
I'd say give him a chance if you like him and see what you think after a couple of dates Smile
Thanks. I'm glad to hear it at least doesn't sound like a completely crazy idea
McAnulty wrote:
I like to think age doesn't matter, but I find that the younger the young person is, the more creepy it gets. Somehow the idea of someone who was a baby when this guy was near adulthood makes me feel like it's pedophilia, even though logically I know it's not the same at all Intellectually I feel that love is love, but my gut reaction is, this guy is old enough to be your father and there's something weird about that. Then again, there are plenty of couples out there with huge age differences who are truly happy together. Go with your own gut. You probably know best what's right for you.
I guess I have a bit of an advantage in that my parents were older than average when I was born; my dad's now in his late sixties, so someone who's 42 doesn't really seem like a father figure to me. I have to admit that, as you say, the idea that he was finishing high school when I was a baby is a bit weird for me, but I don't think I'll really know how I feel until we meet, if we do decide to meet.
"And there are days when I would be away . . . Oh, wherever men of my sort used to go, long ago. Wandering on paths that other men have not seen. Behind the sky. On the other side of the rain." -Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell