My partner is Aspie, I'm NT.
Just recently he's cut back on his anti-depressants because of the negative side effects.
Something I'm okay with tho I worry how it effects him. He's been a little moody, which is normal, he's kinda having withdraw symptoms. Just recently my mom passed so I've been a little distant.
I've been doing okay with it. But with him going through the withdrawal he's been distant from me as well. ( note we are long distance )
We recently got into a bit of a big argument over him being uncomfortable with showing affection, how we normally do over email and text, he sorta blew up on me saying that he never liked it and that it made him sad. Which I can understand. So I'm not going to do say it/ do it if it upsets him.
I suggested space for a couple of days due to all of the stress on both ends.
then he started saying things like " you hate me, I'll go find something to do we'll talk later "
I told him to stop, that I didnt hate him, that I loved him and I was just stressed...
His response was " if you love me why dont you want to talk to me? "
we agreed to talk later tonight as we are.
I told him I was sorry I hurt him and that I loved him and that I was feeling better, that I just needed to relax for a bit. I asked him how he was doing.
He said it was okay he loved me and that he wanted to drop that part of the conversation.
He started talking about his physical health how he thinks he might have a parasite ( which he's gonna go to the doctor about ) He referred to hating his life and " its everything I can do to keep from hurting myself "
So after we discussed the physical health I asked him how he was doing what was on his mind, that he seemed stressed and unhappy.... His reply to that was "I'm going to take a shower I'll be back on in a bit "
I feel he's shutting down on me, and entering a depressed state... I'm really worried about him. I dont want to push him, he doesnt have to come to me if he doesnt want to. I'm just really REALLY worried....
How can I help him? what can I do?