yellowtamarin wrote:
"I just want you to be happy."
Okay, we are a brutally honest bunch here, so what do you think - is it ever true, or is it just a load of bollocks? Have you ever said it to an ex (or similar) and actually meant it? Do you think you could?
Personally, if I say it, I leave out the bolded word, knowing I
would be lying if I said it like that. Otherwise, I say it and mean it. As for others, it depends on when and how it's said. For the most part I've seen it used to save a bruising of the ego, so mostly it's crap, but I wouldn't be surprised if there might be some instances where it can be true.
I don't seek to be popular
I seek to be well-known
If we find a friendship that's forged without masks
Then I have done my job