Hey, try not to feel so bad. There are a lot of us out there who will likewise always be socially awkward. It doesn't mean you're worthless, or that people would rather you weren't alive.
Why do your friends call you "stud" or "chick magnet"? Are they being sarcastic, or do they really think that women find you attractive despite your awkwardness? At least you have friends, that's good. Presumably they wouldn't be your friends if you were genuinely worthless and a loser, so maybe other people don't see you as negatively as you see yourself
Also, if you've been on dates and are not a virgin, that proves that not everyone is immediately rejecting you. Perhaps you just haven't found the right person/people yet. Honestly, a lot of people are shallow and self-centered, and aren't willing to accept people whom they see as different or challenging. But there are others out there who will see difference and awkwardness as interesting, and make the effort to get to know your good qualities.
I've spent many long periods feeling exactly the way you describe. In fact, "loser" is a term I've fallen back on repeatedly. However, I've continued to find that every once in a while there is a really great person out there who proves the cynicism wrong. And since that occurrence is rarer for those like us who lack social gifts, it is all the happier when it does happen. Just give it time, and don't write yourself off as unlikable.
Basic conversational skills can be learned by rote, despite lack of intuition, if you choose to do so. That doesn't mean you'll ever be able to respond and interact as an "average" person would, but it can help. It's not a necessity though. Other people's judgment on you, and especially the judgment of girls, doesn't define your worth. There are other ways to find happiness in the world. Society pushes us to believe that we need a relationship to be fulfilled and valuable, but it's just not true. Some of the happiest people I've known have lived into middle age and beyond without ever having a lasting relationship, because they found other things they wanted and pursued those things.
"And there are days when I would be away . . . Oh, wherever men of my sort used to go, long ago. Wandering on paths that other men have not seen. Behind the sky. On the other side of the rain." -Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell