One date to rule them all
Ok, so here's a question, for those of you who are in a relationship or hope to be... what do you like to do on a date? Or more accurately, what activity would you want to do with someone else as a date?
For me, I'm pretty much good with anything, and so is my GF. She doesn't mind going with me to a dinner/movie combo or one of the university sponsored balls, but she actually enjoys what I call "action dates" - things like playing paintball or going snowboarding. (In fact, her first time snowboarding was while on a date with me, I had snowboarded before but was still a bit of a novice so we tore up the beginner's slope together). She's a walking contradiction in some respects, because she's agorophobic (fear of heights) but at the same time is an adrenaline junkie, so even though she's scared of heights it just makes it that much more exciting for her.
Anyways, she likes doing a lot of outdoor stuff as well. She never really had the time or money to go camping with her family when growing up, but she did grow up on a farm and more often than not she would be banished from the house as punishment for acting up, rather than confined to it. So she went exploring, something she enjoys to this day.
As it so happens my parents have given me a sweet deal when it comes to using this as a date opportunity. They just bought a small trailer for camping trips, but it's too big to park on our property. However, Dad has a buddy of his who owns land near where Dad likes to hunt, and he's letting us park the trailer on his property during hunting season so that Dad can use it as a base camp. Mom told me that I was welcome to use it too provided I asked permission first, and that she doesn't mind me bringing someone so long as I didn't trash things up (which they both know that I'm not the 'frat party' kind of guy. The one time they let me have a bunch of friends over when they were gone, all we did was have a cookout and play Portal on the Xbox, so they trust me at this point)
So while I disagree with my mother on several issues, I do appreciate her letting me use the camper, because if there's one thing I KNOW Kyuuchan likes, it's the great outdoors. We can stay at the camper for a weekend, go exploring during the day, and at night we can always explore "other things"...
"Yeah, so this one time, I tried playing poker with tarot cards... got a full house, and about four people died." ~ Unknown comedian
Happy New Year from WP's resident fortune-teller! May the cards be ever in your favor.