Testosterone. Do/take whatever you can to boost it. Well maybe not just testosterone, but it's mostly a hormonal thing. IE, if I'm exercising, right, and some girl talks to me, I'm much more apt to just blurt things out without running them through the second guess filter that I'd have while not exercising.
So, I'd say, exercise more to have the hormones and endorphins pumping, and then have a decent diet with oddly enough, a bit of cholesterol and sat. fats, as your body needs those to make hormones (ie, eggs, whole milk.) Then there's various herbs you can take after, if you need them. But I find things "flow" a bit better if I'm exercising regularly and having a good diet with lots of fruits and veggies.
That's the only direct solution I've figured to this problem. The rest would be psychobabble about trusting your feelings or something, when in my case I'm mostly unaware of them.