So, for a while now, I've been posting on my university's message board on Myspace. And through this I've encountered a girl I think I'd really like - she's cute, single (ok I swear I'm going to get more picky in just a second) and she seems to be into all the things I'm into - namely anime, gaming and the like. She also does the same course as me, and I've seen her briefly in lectures on campus. We actually discussed some games we'd both played very briefly on the boards, but since they're not very active it's hard to keep a conversation going.
My question is - how should I go about getting to know her better? Since the 'net is my forte (like, seriously. For some reason using text I can manage to make people laugh =O), it would probably be best to strike up a chat; this way she can get to know me a bit better before my actual social ineptitude becomes apparent. but I don't know her MSN, and I'm afraid of just randomly adding her to my myspace friends. Should I send her a message? Saying what? And how do I avoid coming off as the sweaty needy pervert I am, and instead focus on the sarcastic loveable jerk I can be?
I've already been fretting over this for weeks, and I think I need to stop thinking and actually, y'know, try to talk to her. >_>