Becoming the Alpha Aspie: The Five Steps
Step 1: Stop giving power to everything or anything that claims it
That's right, stop giving power to that person who said you would never make it, stop giving power to those people who disrespected you in school, stop giving power to someone you met five minutes ago, stop giving it to someone who most likely insecure themselves. Start defining your own character, start defining yourself and start believing in yourself, nobody is going to believe in you if you don't believe in yourself. Let go of that control of who you should or shouldn't be and start becoming the person you really want to be.
Step 2: Stop placing women on a pedestal.
Yes, this means stop placing them on a pedestal literally, stop p**** footing around women like they are special princesses or being a white knight. Stop compromising yourself, stop treating them like you owe them something and start valuing yourself. People can be cruel, women included so don't feel afraid to be bold. Women will try get a hold if your balls if you let them, show them who is boss. You are logical people, start using that logic instead of emotion when it comes to the opposite sex.
Step 3: Want confidence like Hollywood stars or Vegas high roller?
Want to have the confidence like Hollywood stars? When you have to do something that requires confidence, imagine stepping into that person, imagine becoming them and seeing through them, feel the confidence they feel, assume you are confident, assume that things will go your way. Negativity is an obstacle to stop your from achieving your goal, go hard and fight with all might against negativity, maintain a positive outlook and you can overcome.
Step 4: Stop obsessing over that girl or the one!
That means stop obsessing over your old high school crush that doesn't remember your name, stop obsessing over the girl you see at college or work, stop fixating on one girl, stop wasting your time on something that open. If you knock on one door and it doesn't open, go knock on ten others and if that doesn't work, go knock on another ten and if that fails go knock on another hundred. Keep analysing what you are doing right and wrong, ask a friend or someone close what they think you are doing wrong. Chances are after a few dates, you'll realize that one girl was the same as thousands of other girls.
Step 5: Learn to convey positive traits.
You know the one thing greater than a guy with confidence? it's a person who can take the odd joke without taking themselves seriously, it's the person who can convey they are a fun and exciting character to be around, the person you want to know more about. How are you making women want to know you more? what are you conveying to them? do you have an exciting lifestyle? how can you enrich their life whilst enriching your own? how can you elevate yourself? what can you give? Are you like every other generic guy out there or do you stand out?