I'm not a FB fan. Anyhow, maybe you're being too hard on yourself. At times, while perusing the internet, I read any given article that I would not ordinarily read. This does not mean I 'believe' that article or even have more than a passing interest.
I hope your new guy doesn't take your FB feed personally - and why should he? If he does ask (and he might not), just tell you what you wrote here: that you're OK with his female friend. It might not be a big deal after all. No need for you to be embarrassed. (I'm sure worse thing have happened)!
Personally, I don't much like FB because I don't need people (aka 'friends'), many of whom I barely even know (!) get to pick and choose what I might be associated with. And I don't like being a social media statistic either.
For me, the Wrong Planet is the Aspie FB
I have Wrong Planet friends whom I truly like/trust because I do know them via writing and shared experiences. FB could never begin to approach that. (Plus, our WP topics are lots more interesting than 'liking' some stranger's inane comment).
Well, don't worry cmoonbean1. If he really is your friend, it won't matter.
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown