Well I've been "seeing" this guy lately, never said if its dates or whatever, just hanging out, talking etc and sometimes hug for hello and bye. But I'm not really good with people usually, but he doesn't seem to care much and dosn't act like i'm being weird or anything which, some people do.
He's a good looking guy and we can geek out together lol.
So I got to really like him and I told him I like him more than a friend and he said he does too and we hugged but thats all. Then later when we see eachother more times he is pretty flirty and tels me I'm pretty and stuff and we say again that we like each other.
But I still don't know really what we're up too because we haven't talekd about the whole relationship issue really.
But all is well right? Wrong I guess.
Today I heard him saying to somebody else right where he must have knew I could hear, that he likes this other girl (who i thought was taken anyways but whatever) and that they might go to the lake on the long weekend next week. So my jaw just about hits the floor.
I feel really sad and hurt
Now I know we didn't agree anything but we said we liked each other and I thought he was really flirty so why isn't he asking me out instead.... he just goes and says he's taking some other girl wear I can hear. I mean should't he at least say if he doesn't want to date me??
So did I screw something up here, or get something wrong, or is he being a d*ck, or what??