outofplace wrote:
It sounds to me that you have become so used to bad treatment at the hands of others that you have no idea how to handle it when people treat you nicely. It's almost like a form of post traumatic stress disorder. Just remember that it is not a normal initial response to someone you have just met to treat them poorly. However, if you believe that it is then you can give off the signals that then lead to poor treatment. Most people are not cruel when they first meet people. You just have to learn how to deal with new people you meet as if you are equal to them and expect to be treated with proper respect. Once you can master that then you will start to learn how to actually judge interest in others. I speak from experience as someone who has overcome much in this area. It has helped me, but I am still quite odd so it is difficult for me to find others who want me around. However, they no longer treat me poorly and I no longer expect them to. This has made a lot of difference, to the point that bullying is no longer an issue.
ya exactly after being treated like garbage for years when new people especially men treat me like goddess i find it quite overbearing and dont know how to respond technically speaking i should be shooing them off but instead i start showing interest in them.
People are initially nice to me but when they realise that i am a people pleaser and looser character then they start bullying me.
i am still bullied by many women. and i am quite scared of women not of men.
The only thing right in this wrong world is