meems wrote:
Spongy, as I stated in the part of my post you didn't quote, I run across this all of the time. Most guys who ask me out do this.
They get booted out of my life pretty much instantly.
Though yeah, girls are usually all over this slimeball.
More and more men are becoming familiar with the concept of nagging wether they have read a book on PUA or not.
It has appeared on shows that are extremely successful/mainstream(howard tries to do this to penny at the start of TBBT and she says something along the lines of are you seriously trying to nag me/Barney does it all the time on HIMYM...).
You see it so many times that you have to consider that it may work and most guys do eventually try to do this sort of thing.
but why is this how so many guys seem to go about getting a date?
As stated previously "specialists" dictated that a small amount of nagging/putting them down was needed before asking a female out.
Some say that this is a way of making her think about some of her flaws and give her the impression that you are doing her a favour by going out with her, others say that this a way of showing her that you are not really that into her...
As for why do they keep doing it?
As a member told me a while ago there is a subset of women that will fall for this sort of thing and the only way they have to figure out wether you are part of this group is to do this sort of thing to you.
Its extremely douchey and it cuts all communication if you arent in this category but from what I understand most males doing this arent really interested on becoming friends with girls because of the oh so scary friend zone