How can I not mess this up again but still get close?
The thing is we don't have any relationship at all at the moment. It was about two years ago we became a couple but we ony managed to go on a date once and then every single other time her mother stoped her from going out (I've never met her but I assume it was because we met in a psychiatric ward), so the only other time we got to speak was when we were at the ward and there was very little privicy there, so it was difficult.
The reason it fell apart was because neither of us were very well and we were kind of acting selfish (although I don't blame her for her actions at all it was mainly me being selfish) because she used to get angry at me for no apparent reason (the first time she flipped was because I asked her why she was upset and asked what I could do to help, not realising it was a personal question) while sinse then I kinda kept having breakdowns often infront of her and even through myself down the stairs once, although she never found out about that. Then I felt really guilty and kept sending her messages saying how sorry I was and stuff but that just got her more enoyed.
So basically she agreed to be friends in the future if I didn't contact her for a year. And the year up next month, (though I plan to hold contacting her for a few months longer as to not be too hasty)
So the problem is, if I contact her too little we won't be getting anywhere but if I contact her too much she'll hate me again, so I really don't know what to do. :S She still means the world to me.
Contact her a little next month and see how it goes. You can apologize for your past behaviors and tell her you missed being her friend.
This way, you are not coming on to strong and still value having her in your life. Don't apologize to the point of groveling, just be genuine with it.