lelia wrote:
A number of people in my church wear tatoos of hebrew letters saying 'love' instead of rings on their left ring fingers.
In my church, a number of couples have been known to not like jewelry so they get their betrothed a nice matching watch. I don't get it, as I see fancy watch as jewelry as well... [shrug] But it might be more comfortable.
I remember being a newlywed and going swimming in the honeymoon hotel... the ring felt like it was going to slip off my finger and it'd be lost in the pool drain or something.
It took about a year for it really to just become an extension of my body. 12 years later (2 years after she was gone) it was finally time for it to come off but my fingers had gotten a
little pudgier in that time and had grown around the ring - it had to be
cut off at the jeweler's. I made sure they didn't cut through the engraving "Always"... *sniff*
Someone once made the fantastic suggestion of flattening out the patterned band and turning it into a pendant for one or both of my boys. I think I'll do that for when they're older and can appreciate/take care of it.
um.... now back to you, MD.
(Sorry for hijacking!) I loved
*having* a ring... it said to the world, "I'm married! Someone picked me and loves me!" but I'd hate to lose something expensive, or put too much feeling into an object that can be so easily lost or stolen.
You'll get used to a small, slim band pretty quickly and I'd avoid any stones which are also easily lost (as well as "appraised" by the clucking hens who can't help themselves but compare wedding rings and "how much their husband loves them" by the largest or best compressed worthless carbon.)
I felt enormous pride in wearing that band, simply because it said, "I'm married!" and always reminded me of her. If you get a little of the same out of a sub-$100 band on your finger, I'd reconsider the minor discomfort you feel for a short time.
I also hope you find a nice fella' to GIVE you one!
Things working out nicely with your current beau?