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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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19 Nov 2012, 6:03 am

I'm 25. Personally, I want to do more than what most families cannot do, due to them having kids. (traveling the world, going to Las Vegas more frequently...a 4 hour drive from here, go on vacation more, and overall have more freedom, money and time to do whatever you want)

Just wondering if there's anyone else out there that does not want kids? (not necessarily with me, rofl!)


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19 Nov 2012, 7:00 am

I don't think I want kids either, I don't know how well i'd cope with them, or how good i'd be at parenting.



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19 Nov 2012, 7:08 am

I've never wanted children. I'm now getting to the point where I am starting to see the advantages in family life, but it's still not enough to make me reconsider.

Snowy Owl
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19 Nov 2012, 7:14 am

Also, I wanted to add... :roll:
I've raised this topic to my mom, she thinks its selfish.
If a person knows truly, that he/she can't be or doesn't want to be a parent, they shouldn't have to.
I always thought carrying on your "bloodline" is overrated anyway.
I enjoy being an adult far more than being a child...mostly because of the freedom to do things...and adult things.


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19 Nov 2012, 7:19 am

The only way that not having children would be selfish is if we lived in a town/country/world that was underpopulated and humans were in danger of extinction. Since for every one of us remaining childfree by choice there is another couple having 6 or more, I don't think we are going to hit that point anytime soon. (Certainly not during my remaining breeding years anyway!)

Snowy Owl
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19 Nov 2012, 7:25 am

Unless the Zombie Apocalypse happens. True that.
Man. Las Vegas sure does sound fun right now!

Snowy Owl
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19 Nov 2012, 8:47 am

I could handle either kind of lifestyle, but I don't want to have kids. My preference is not to have them in general, but if a partner really wanted them I'd be willing to adopt or something. I won't be responsible for spreading my genes, though.


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19 Nov 2012, 9:01 am

Your Aries/Rabbit like me
supposedly we are too emotionally cool
to externalise enough emotion for others
and children
but in actuality
we would be considerate
mostly even handed parents

I never wanted children either
instinctively I knew not to go there
I am still a boy inside


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19 Nov 2012, 9:35 am

I don't think it would be a good idea for me to have any...not sure I could exactly take care of them, have enough trouble with myself I think.

We won't go back.


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19 Nov 2012, 9:51 am

Your 25, that's a very normal feeling to be having at 25 regarding kids.


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19 Nov 2012, 9:58 am

i do not want children, but if one was born of me, then i would want to protect it obviously.


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19 Nov 2012, 10:42 am

I never wanted children and wouldn't have a relationship or affair with a woman who had kids or is into family stuff. For me this was the perfect decision, never regretted it even for a second.


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19 Nov 2012, 11:45 am

Don't want 'em. Why? Because I don't want them to go through the same s**t I had to go through.

I don't trust anyone because I'm cynical.
I'm cynical because I don't trust anyone.


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19 Nov 2012, 3:28 pm

DialAForAwesome wrote:
Don't want 'em. Why? Because I don't want them to go through the same sh** I had to go through.

I've always felt the same. I've known since I was tiny that something is wrong with me and I'm not like other people, and I've never been happy or comfortable or at peace with myself for a single day. Why would I put a child through that? Plus I have diabetes which makes pregnancy incredibly risky. I'd have to have a really strong urge to pass on my genes to want to run the risk of being disabled by pregnancy, and I'm the opposite, I think I'm the last person who should breed. And the fact I've been single all my life means natural selection has ruled me out of reproducing anyway.


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19 Nov 2012, 3:35 pm

Kids are noisy, they don't switch off and they can smell disgusting. Not to mention a money pit and a huge responsibility.

It's self explanatory really.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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19 Nov 2012, 4:42 pm

aspiesandra27 wrote:
Kids are noisy, they don't switch off and they can smell disgusting. Not to mention a money pit and a huge responsibility.

It's self explanatory really.
